Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lazy Sunday!

We didn't do too much today, we just went to Okpo in searh of something new and different.

We ended up going to alot of the same places, but found new things to be excited about. The book store, which we always frequent, had some new English titles... but even better was that we found some English books that had Korean translations in them, (which once we ask Grace if we can use them, we may be able to integrate real American literature to the cirriculum!!!!) Much nicer than articles in the Kids Times news paper about H1n1 ( I mean really how many times can you remind kids to cover their mouths when they cough and to wash their hands)

We also found a fantastic book called "Ugly Korean, Ugly American" which is all about the cultural differences and why each group thinks what they think. It is very recently published, and the author must be a very understanding of both cultures, because the few pages we read were dead on!

Here is a prime example of something Koreans Do:
"Make invitations or Important announcments at the last minute.
Korean Buisness or social schedules are much more flexible that those of Americans. While Koreans must frequently must accomodate the most senior person involved, Most Americans plan their time in Advance. While living and working in Korea, Americans may be quite surprised and unhappy to receive information about parties, meetings, or new work schedules just before the events take place."

And an example of things Americans do:
"Blow their Noses loudley in Public
This is extremely disgusting to Koreans, especially if done during a meal. Although some Americans turn away from the table and other people when doing so, it still makes Koreans very uncomfotable. Most Koreans would never do this in public."

I know both Joseph and I are offenders of the second one, because the food is so spicy our noses start running about three bites into the meal. We have learned though and try to excuse ourselves to go to the bathroom.

I will try to add more in the future, but right now Joseph is Hogging the book while I hog the computer!

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