Friday, April 9, 2010

It is about time...

When I picked the title "Ali's Adventures" for my blog, I knew I would have many adventures over seas.... and the rice cooker was no exception. I was very hesitant to try using it due to the fact that it had no english directions with it, and usually I am pretty good at blowing things up.... but with a bit of convincing from Joseph, I decided to try my hand at making rice in the thing.

After 20 minutes we had perfect rice.... Delicious!

I found a recipe online for beans in a rice cooker, so since Joseph's mom sent us a supply of them I tried my best to make it work for them too. I think I put in too much water because it ended up cooking for an extremely long time. When it finally went "ding". I got up to check the progress of the beans, I only saw them for a split second, because apparently you should not have a rice cooker on that long, and it blew a fuse. So I literaly saw the beans for one second and the power went out ( am I good or what!)

Luckily Joseph knew where the switch box was and fixed the problem shortly, and we were able to see the cooker did a great job with the beans.

I am going to start trying more and more new recipies with my new cooker friend (and hopefully next time there will be less potential fire hazzards)

1 comment:

  1. I really love the fact that you blew a fuse with a rice cooker! Kinda reminds me of the time my roommates caught the cabinets on fire with a toaster oven!
