Friday, November 20, 2009

Korean Music.

Music defines a generation as well as a culture. Since coming to Korea we have been introduced to alot of different artist with different styles of music.

I decided to do a blog with links to You tube songs that are really good representatives of Korean Music.

First off is the first Video we ever saw. We went to the WA bar after school one night and on all the tv's playing super loud was a video by G-Dragon. The name of the song is "Heartbreaker" which is very 90's Myriah Carey sounding, but G-Dragon is anything but! Some of the song in in English... the Chorus, but the verses are in Korean... very fun video! Plus all the girls love G-dragon... and he is proof that asians can have blond hair!

Next of course is a reccomendation by Joseph's students. Outsider is Korea's fastest Rapper... and trust me Korean is hard to understand even slow... I have no idea how he does this... try to let the video download most of the way and then list about 1 minute and 50 seconds in... it is insane!

One of My students has a cell phone that always goes off in class ( yes that happens in korea too!) but the ring tone is SNSD by Girls Generation.... imagine Spice girls meets bad 80's fashion and cheery 90's Birtney vibes ( before she shaved her head). I like how catchy this song is though so I don't mind too much when Lora's cell goes off!

Now this is unusual, this music video by Lee Min Ho called Kiss is totally in support of a Korean beer called Cass. This video plays at least once an hour in Every single bar in probably all of Korea. I hear this song all the time. The video plays like a bad soap opera... but I giggle every time!Different sections actually came out for the first three months we have been here so you had to wait to find out what happened, but now that all three sections are out, you can see the video in it's entirety. Enjoy!

And even though this is not a song.... this is the most funny banana milk commercial in Korea.

And I don't even know what this commericial is selling, but it creeps me out!

And Last but not least, How can you not be excited about going to Home Plus, the local Walmart substitute/ grocery store when this is how they advertize.

Hope the links work. Let me know if one is broken. Enjoy a taste of Korean entertainment!

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