Sunday, October 11, 2009

Waterfall Day!

We decided last saturday that we wanted to go see the waterfall just outside of Geoje City that we had heard great things about! So we headed down the main road to make our way there, and had to stop a the only open restaurant for lunch. We went to Lotteria... They have another Lotteria in the Home Plus, but it is a fast food place so we figured it would be safe to split something before our big hike! We got a Hangoo Steak Burger, which had Broccoli and cheese on a bulgogi burger patty. It was pretty tasty and we were more than halfway through before I remembered I wanted a picture of it for the blog, so I took a picture of the inside of a Lotteria instead!
We walked about 8 miles that day ( four there and four back) but the sights were beautiful! Korea has busy city areas, but just outside the city it is calm without the constant hum of cars, beeping horns ( koreans love to honk!) and the jumble of people, it was nice to have a quiet day out of the commotion of our busy city streets!

I saw this Huge worm on the way up the big hill to the waterfall, so I put down my pepsi can to show you. I think Bugs here are alot bigger.

I also had to get a picture of this huge spider... I am not zooming at all. I would say this is the actual size. And there was a tree full of them, it was like a plant that grew my worst nightmare. Luckily any bugs we have had in our house have been mini mosquitos, but if I saw this is my bathroom I would probably faint!
When we finally got to the Entrance for the hike to the Waterfall (wait we had to hike to get to the hike... yes... it was a long day of walking, but we got tons of fresh air and my calves look awesome!) There were all these cool rocks, so Joseph being the eagle scout that he is, jumped up on them for a photo op! It was really pretty.
There, far off in the distance is quite possibly the scariest thing I have seen since coming to Korea. I thought it would be like a portable bathroom like in the states... I was wrong. It was just a hole in the ground on stilts... so gross, Joseph had to go so he braved it, but I opened the ladies room and three wasps were flying around so I decided to wait until we found other facilites... the smell was pretty bad, so I doubt would have been able to even go in there.
The hike up the waterfall trail was pretty interesting, they had brick paths and stones you were supposed to walk on to increase circulation in your feet to keep you from being sore. It was hard to walk on them, but we did for a few Kilometers just for kicks!Below is a photograph with me trying to be artsy with the camera, it looks kinda cool though! Maybe I can take a Korean Photography class here. they have so much beautiful scenery here!
Ewwww, another giant Korean Bug!

They had really cool picnic tables scattered along the hiking trail, each one had a number on it so I think you can actually call the park and reserve one, we saw a family eating a bucket of fried chicken on one! Nothing says healthy family fun like a bucket of chicken!
We finally made it to the final bridge and took a few pictures of ourselves to prove we made it to to the top of the waterfall!

You could walk over the bridge or over the rocks, I chose the bridge!

Me and the waterfall, (it had not rained much as you can tell!)

Just the waterfall!

Joseph and the waterfall!
We were kidna tired and sweaty so we took a breather on a well situation bench, and pulled out some crackers and bottled water! It was such a nice day, we ended up just chilling there for an hour or so! This park was nothing like Blue Jay, but we definitely want to come back at some point! Me trying to be artsy again...
We were tired that night so we went out, but I did want to show that I do cook at home some! Earlier this week I tried to recreate a recipe that Joseph's mom makes called Chicken Divine. It actually turned out pretty good. We accidently bought sticky rice instead of the regular kind but it was good enough... next time we will let the top brown a bit more, but it was fun to have a piece of home with us after a long school week!

And Joseph wanted me to post a picture of all the cool vending machine stuff he has won over our two weeks here. The pink kitty ( stinky pinky) a remote controlled car that came in a soda can, a cool lighter that has a green flame and a Movie card... we took it to work and asked our co-worker Jenny to translate, and apparently Joseph scored big time, because we can sign up to get 48 free movies over the next year... Apparently You buy one get one free 48 times... so basically once a week we can now go see a movie for the price of one ticket! Glad we won it our first week here! We decided we may let Jenny borrow it a few times when there are no american movies out that we can watch so she can go see Korean ones for free! Or Joseph will win her another card of her own! As long as he keeps winning stuff like that I have no problem with him spending a few won here and there each week!

Don't forget to check out the post about our apartment that I posted earlier tonight ... another two posts in one night! You guys are lucky!
Hope everyone at home is doing well, We miss you guys!

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