Monday, June 7, 2010

Concerning consumption.

I feel like Geoje has undergone some major changes lately, but the two that made me the happiest are as follows. They are finally carrying Black beans again...which may not seem like a big deal to you back home, but when what you are craving all week is mexican food it is even harder to acomlish a meal of any similar qualities without black beans.
The local food super grocery store carried black beans from about October to December, and then **POOF** they were gone, never to be seen in any area of the store, well much to my and Joseph's dismay we could not find them anywhere for the next six months... Well Home Plus must have heard us complain every time we went because they are now back in stock, and we have bought most of them to hoard in our cubbord in case they forget to order them again. Yeah black beans!
Also on our walk to the grocery store we noticed something new in the distance.... Can you see it?
Well I'll be.... Look at those Golden arches....McDonalds has now come to Geoje. This would have made life so much easier the first month if it had been here when we first got here. Oh well, at least we have another option for dinners out...

We had to go. It was really crowded the first saturday the place was open, so we went on Sunday, and I just so happened to get in line behind one of my students. our convo went something like this:
Shane: Hello Teacher
Me: Hello Shane
Shane: "Teacher love Hamburger?"
Me: Yes shane, teacher love AMERICAN Hamburger!
Shane's mother: (insert Korean here)
me: *nod and smile*
Shane: My mom like hamburger too!
Me: Very good!

I will probably never eat it again once I get to the states but it is nice to have a reminder of home.

And they made the McDonald characters kind of Anime looking... I like Grimice's crazy eyebrow best. I think Ronald looks totally different.

Thank goodness for food options.

1 comment:

  1. So I'm sure it gets old for you, but...I just love it when kids call me "Teacher".
