Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Lost Amusement Park.

The story goes that there used to be an amazing Amusment park at the very top of the mountain in Okpo, but unfortunately, one day, a child somehow fell off the rollercoaster or one of those dangerous rides and died. The family in their greif sued the crap out of the Amusement park and due to the fact they had no insurance, lost their fortune and their park. The Great thing about this park is that they never bothered to dismantle it. Many if not all the English teachers on the island find their way to the park at least once in their year here, and Joseph and I are no different.

Joseph at the Grand Entrance... you can sort of see the makeshift Mickey Mouse in the left part of the arch...yeah but this tiny park is no Disney!

The random duck head in the bumper car, I wanted to sit with him, but it had just rained the day before so there was a foot of water in the bottom and on the seat... bummer.

The bumpercar ride was further down the hill, not sure why all the cars were up here.

Joseph found a K for Kelly, and then he put it down because it had bugs on it!

We were really in awe of how nature was taking it back! Everything was covered in vines, I felt like I was in an Indiana Jones Movie.

You can't even see the tracks on the bottom because of all the plant life, It was kind of eerie being there knowing at one point it was bustling with people, screams and movement, and now nothing but stillness.

Tickets Anyone?

The carousel of DOOM!!!!! We didn't ride this one. After viewing the rusted out bottom we scheduled tetnus shots!

And this used to be some prize basketball game called "The High Top" and for some reason it was all plastic except for the laces.

There was a whole other section of the park, but my lithium batteries failed me when I needed them most... we will however probably go back, because the rest of the park is way more exciting.

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