Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Seoul: Just a small fraction

I felt bad that it had been so long since an update so I decided to give you the very very short abbreviation of the trip to Seoul. We had off four days for the Solar New Year, so we took full advantage of a four day weekend and headed up north to Seoul, even though it was freezing... Literally it was 29 - 31 degrees the entire time. But we totally had a blast. Here are just a few pictures. I am currently writing the NOVEL that is our three full days there and will post them as I finish, but with being back at school this week, and feeling slightly under the weather (again Bleh) I may not get to it till this weekend. Here is a little to tide you over!

One of the Not so busy streets of Seoul. Our first day there, the place was almost deserted... I guess not many people like to go outside when there is snow on the ground and it is under 30 degrees. Go figure... Exciting though that not many tourist of Seoul (one of the largest cities on Earth) will ever see this place so empty.

Joseph and I hanging out in the Downtown area on our last day! We tried to get the building in the picture too!

They have some amazing buildings.....

And subway snack machines!

And ancient temples... Wait till you see the picture I got of the throne inside this palace. Fantastic.

Look for more later one this week. We had a great time, and I can't wait to share it.

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