My mission now, is to try and score as much money for my stuff as possible using the local craiglist posting site I have put up ads for a few items that I want to sell ( a chair and my christmas decorations and a random set of candles).... I know certain people at work and close friends I am going to try and sell things to in person.
The hardest thing is going to be my sofa... I will miss it incredibly... but storing it is not going to be a good option. I will deal with having no stuff the same way I did when I graduated college... buy crappy stuff to live, and then save and buy things I really want. I am coming to terms that stuff is just stuff.. it doesn't make me a better or worse person if I have better or worse stuff... I am going to have to get used to that idea when we move to Korea. None of it will be "my stuff"....
anybody want to buy a book shelf? I plan to keep the books though... sorry!
I didn't know you had a blog! Awesome idea to update us poor slobs back here in the states as you have amazing adventures in South Korea.