Friday, September 18, 2009

Zane and Ali coming at ya!

Last night I was so lucky to get one last chance to see my good friend Sara at South Point Mall. I have known her since 7th grade ( and anyone who saw how dorky I was in 7th grade and is still my friend is DEF one worth keeping) Unfortunately Sara (and her ADORABLE) family live too far away from me in High Point, so chances to see her are rare and far between. Thankfully though, she was off work today, so she and baby Zane made the trek out to SouthPoint Mall in Durham to meet me for a fun but cheap dinner.

Zane enjoyed a Girlled Cheese sandwich and Pears while Sara and I dug into the best the food court of South Point Mall has to offer

Zane had a lack luster impression of "Captain Adorable" once I got my camera out... He was all super smiley and then the camera on my end comes and and suddenly he becomes indifferent... He is so well behaved though, so it was nice to see him and still get to have a chance to talk with Sara.
(Zane did make quite a few friends at the mall, one little girl named Anna actually convinced her dad to bring her over an introduce them, they had been making eyes at each other all evening, but she was almost 2 and 1/2 so him only being 11 months she was somewhat of an "older woman") but they said bye to each other ( about 14 times) and Sara and I were able to resume our conversation!

My beautiful friend Sara

I like this picture because poor Zane, Oh Zane, he was so hungry he was about to eat the wet naps !

And of course I had to get a chance to hold him, and he didn't cry! See a happy baby in my arms... it can be done!

It was a great evening, and I am really going to miss sara and Zane... He is going to be so big when I get back, I can't even imagine....

* this one is called Zane and Ali, coming At Ya!

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